Register for Our New Miniseries on THE PSYCHOANALYST'S KNOWLEDGE
Lectures & Discussions Begin December 1st
In the midst of his fiery nineteenth seminar . . . Or Worse (1971-72), Lacan gave a series of lesser-known talks on “The Psychoanalyst’s Knowledge.” Delivered before an audience of junior clinicians, these lively and accessible lectures offer a terrific introduction to several key concepts in Lacan’s later thought, including truth, knowledge, discourse, jouissance, sexuation, and the real.
In this miniseries, we will read and discuss Lacan’s introductory lectures on “The Psychoanalyst’s Knowledge,” which were recently published in English as Talking to Brick Walls (Polity, 2017). In addition to sharing weekly recorded commentaries with all registered participants, I will be hosting live Zoom discussions throughout this miniseries (see the full schedule below).
In keeping with the mission of Lectures on Lacan, this miniseries will be open to all. No prior familiarity with Lacan’s work will be required or assumed. If the past is any indication of things to come, this miniseries will be attended by students and professors alike, trainees as well as established clinicians, independent learners who are just getting started with Lacan and some of the world’s edgiest Lacanian thinkers.
Schedule of Events:
1 December: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, Talking to Brick Walls, Chapter 1.
8 December: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, Talking to Brick Walls, Chapter 2.
15 December: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, Talking to Brick Walls, Chapter 3.
Registration Costs:
In an effort to keep Lectures on Lacan accessible, I’d like to offer this miniseries on “The Psychoanalyst’s Knowledge,” lectures and discussions included, on a donation basis.
The suggested donation for the complete miniseries is $75 for professionals or $25 for students and trainees, but any donation, big or small, will allow you to join in the fun. To register, click on the button below or use the QR code beneath it.
Thank you for supporting Lectures on Lacan, and I look forward to studying this lively volume with you!
About Prof. Dr. McCormick:
Samuel McCormick, Ph.D., is an award-winning teacher and scholar. He lectures widely on Lacanian psychoanalysis, is Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, and was recently appointed EURIAS & Marie-Curie Research Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies in Denmark. His first book, Letters to Power: Public Advocacy Without Public Intellectuals, won the Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression, the James A. Winans - Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address, and the Everett Lee Hunt Award. His second book, The Chattering Mind: A Conceptual History of Everyday Talk, was recently published by the University of Chicago Press.
More about Lectures on Lacan and Prof. Dr. McCormick HERE.
Thanks for your support, David! I sent you a note yesterday with all the details — to the address with which you registered. Can’t wait to link up with you!
I just registered for the series! I’m excited to walk through the high tides and low tides of this text with you and our fellow researchers!