I used to listen to the courses in Podcasts and never seen the drawings before.

This is my first session with Substack!

The drawings are very interesting, couldn’t understand the concept without them.


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Way to integrate the drawings! I also find them extremely helpful in learning Lacanian psychoanalysis. And they help me appreciate where our series is now headed: into Lacan's mid-1970s work, where drawings (which are really just flattened knots) become even more key! Next up, TELEVISION. Hope you can join us!

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Hi Professor Sam,

I have been listening to your courses since January 2023. I listen to some of them repeatedly, trying desperately yet eagerly to understand the concepts. Yes, I have a snail's pace in learning and am lagging far behind your ongoing project. Last night, I finally finished Episode 11 of Seminar XVI! I would love to join the new series and will do so if the timing allows, as I am on the other side of the world. Anyway, thank you for your great work on Lacan; I really appreciate it.

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Way to stick with it! That series on S16 was truly wild to record! I wanted to see what would happen if I left no stone unturned. Yeow!

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