I just recorded the fourth lecture in our new donation-based series on Seminar XIX.
What began as an introduction to “Letters & Numbers” in Lacan’s later thought (Lecture 1) quickly became a treatment of “Mathemes & Modal Logic” from Aristotle forward (Lecture 2), followed by a formula-fueled account of “Masculine and Feminine Modalities” (Lecture 3) — and now, with this week’s recording, a cut to the conceptual core of Seminar XIX’s opening chapters: “Feminine Impotentiality & Masculine Inexistence” (Lecture 4).
Suffice it to say, lots to discuss at our next get together! Friday, February 9th, 10am PST — be there! Whether you’re already engaged in Lacan’s later thought, or just curious to learn what all the fuss is about, all are welcome to attend:
In other news, I recently sat down with the ever-perceptive Cadell Last of Philosophy Portal for another wide-ranging, free-form discussion of Lacan’s Écrits. What a blast, just like last time — and no less unruly! Things started to get real at about the 1 hour mark, complete with a fire alarm, a visit from my hummingbird friend, and more than a few squeezes of the hand — virtual, conceptual, and otherwise: