“Here begins Lacan's late teaching,” we read on the back cover of . . . Or Worse (Seminar XIX). “Everything he has already taught you is here, and yet everything is new, overhauled, topsy-turvy.”
From desire to jouissance. From the Other to the One. From dialectics of the subject to discourses of the real. From holed graphs and topologies to rings of string knotted together.
You’ve heard of Lacan’s later thought; now’s your chance to study it! And not alone, of course, but with an intrepid crew of students and scholars, trainees and established clinicians, independent learners and Lacanian specialists from all over the world.
In addition to sharing weekly recorded lectures on Seminar XIX with all registered participants, I will be hosting live Zoom discussions throughout the series — and always with an eye toward making this key text in Lacanian psychoanalysis clear, coherent, and accessible to all.
Schedule of Events:
26 January: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 1-2.
9 February: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 3-4.
23 February: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 5-6.
8 March: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 7-8.
22 March: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 9-10.
5 April: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 11-12.
19 April: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 13-14.
3 May: Zoom Discussion, 10am PST. Readings to be discussed: Lacan, . . . Or Worse, Chapters 15-16 + Lacan’s “Report on Seminar XIX.”
Registration Costs:
In an effort to keep Lectures on Lacan accessible, I’d like to offer this series on . . . Or Worse (Seminar XIX), weekly lectures and biweekly discussions included, on a donation basis.
The suggested donation for the complete series is $200 for professionals or $100 for students and trainees, but any donation, big or small, will allow you to join the series. To register, click on the button below or use the QR code beneath it.
Thank you for supporting Lectures on Lacan, and I look forward to reading this key text with you!
About Prof. Dr. McCormick:
Samuel McCormick, Ph.D., is an award-winning teacher and scholar. He lectures widely on Lacanian psychoanalysis, is Professor of Communication Studies at San Francisco State University, and was recently appointed EURIAS & Marie-Curie Research Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies in Denmark. His first book, Letters to Power: Public Advocacy Without Public Intellectuals, won the Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression, the James A. Winans - Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address, and the Everett Lee Hunt Award. His second book, The Chattering Mind: A Conceptual History of Everyday Talk, was recently published by the University of Chicago Press, with an Italian translation to be published next year.
More about Lectures on Lacan and Prof. Dr. McCormick HERE.
I'm looking forward to these classes. I unfortunately missed yesterday's lecture. Was there a recording by chance?
How long is each discussion? I see the start times...