Big Hugs & Huge Thanks
Our four-part series on The Logic of Fantasy (Seminar 14) ended with a bang this week. Big hugs and huge thanks to the international group of clinicians, scholars, and independent learners who made it possible: Jason, Carolina, Kathryn, Ink, Sean, Cameron, Barbara, Christopher, Noah, Georgi, hamzemnshester, Natasha, Ahmad, Rick, Tiffi, Camden, Chaim, Philip, Ira, Giorgio, Donald, Kathrin, Derek, and Madeleine!
And now for some much needed rest and relaxation. Hahaha, if only. In between the usual winter arrays of final grading and holiday craze, I’m planning to spend some time with the standard English translation of Seminar 19 — the cover art of which alone, in light of where we ended our series on Seminar 14, makes for much consideration:
Stay tuned for more news soon — and more episodes in our free podcast on Anxiety (Seminar X) along the way. Can’t wait!